Proscenium Drama Competition

Welcome to the multilingual Proscenium Drama Competition! 2025’s competition will again offer high school learners from grade 8 to 12 an opportunity to participate individually and to express their creativity on a national level.

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How does it work?

You will meet successful professional actors and other mentors, and you will rub shoulders with like-minded achievers in cultural and other fields. By the time you reach the finals at Artscape, your network will be much stronger with valuable contacts.

This is a Tribuo project

2024 Top 8 with Dean John Smith (MC)

What is the purpose?

The aim of the competition is to introduce young actors to the world of the performing arts. Participants are exposed to various facets of the entertainment industry, such as theatre, television, radio and dubbing. Your career decisions will be much better informed after this experience. You will also forge valuable links during the final rounds at Artscape. Enter now and become part of an unforgettable experience.


What happens?
1 October 2024
Entries open for 2025
27 January 2025
Closing date for entries
21 February – 28 March 2024
Audition rounds in various centres
4 April 2025
Finalists announced
Finals at Artscape Theatre: 15 – 17 May 2025

Rules for participants

Proscenium Dramakompetisie

Round specifications

Competition rules


2024 Winners

Right in first place: Blyde Schoeman
Middle in second place: Francois Retief
Left in third place: Rico Immelman

Radio drama

RSG will select actors from the final rounds to play in a radio drama.


All finalists will receive certificates.

Northlink College bursary

Grade 12 finalists can apply for a bursary to study at Northlink College.

2024 Northlink Bursary Winner

Roderick Carroll with Northlink’s Academic Head, Eloise Lotz.

Various other prizes and opportunities

Watch this space for more exciting surprises to be announced soon.

Proscenium Drama Competition entry form

1STEP 1: Participant’s details
2STEP 2: Teacher’s or parent’s details
3STEP 3: Payment and permission

Participant details

Name Surname Grade Actions

Cornelia Faasen

Cornelia Faasen het Drama en Teaterstudies aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch gestudeer en haar meestersgraad cum laude behaal met ’n navorsingskomponent wat aan die Universiteit van Amsterdam voltooi is. In 2010 is sy aangestel as Hoof van Kuns en Kultuur aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat – ’n pos wat ná die berugte Reitz-video-voorval, ingestel is om te fokus op transformasie en integrasie deur kuns en kultuur onder die studentegemeenskap. Sy is aangestel as Dekaan van Studentesake nadat sy vir twee jaar in daardie pos waargeneem het. In 2016 het sy by die Nasionale Afrikaanse Teater-inisiatief (NATi) aangesluit as die hoof- uitvoerende beampte. NATi fokus op die befondsing en ontwikkeling van nuwe teaterproduksies en samewerking met vervaardigende feeste; met ’n besondere belangstelling in Afrikaans se posisie as deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap van inheemse tale, sowel as ’n fokus op alternatiewe narratiewe en voorheen gemarginaliseerde stemme in Afrikaans. Sy doseer ook deeltyds in Stellenbosch Universiteit se Dramadepartement en spesialiseer in Gevorderde Teorie vir nagraadse studente en Inleiding tot die Nywerheid vir voorgraadse studente. Cornelia dien sedert die Teater- en Dansalliansie (TADA) se ontstaan in 2021 as ondervoorsitter, en sy is ook ’n stigtersraadslid van Tribuo, ’n hulpfonds vir kunstenaars. Sy woon in Stellenbosch.

Herman van der Westhuizen

Herman was voorheen ’n onderwyser en hy is passievol oor die ontwikkeling van jong talent. Hy het die Nasionale Toneelspelkompetisie vanaf 2002 tot met sy aftrede in 2019 georganiseer. Herman het vir 20 jaar op die Fleur du Cap-paneel gedien, en hy was ook sameroeper van die Fiësta- en die Kanna-paneel.

Ira Blanckenberg

Ira het ’n honneursgraad in Drama aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch behaal. Die afgelope 25 jaar is sy verhoog-, televisie- en filmaktrise, regisseur, stemkunstenaar en SACE-geregistreerde drama-afrigter met haar eie dramaskool. Sy was vir 12 jaar ’n nasionale beoordelaar vir ATKV-Tienertoneel. In 2022 is sy vir ’n SAFTA benoem as beste aktrise in ’n ondersteunende rol vir die rolprent Toorbos.

Janine Opperman

Janine (gebore Pretorius) het ’n honneursgraad in Drama aan die PU vir CHO verwerf. Sedert 1985 het sy as vryskutaktrise, stemkunstenaar en oorklankingspesialis gewerk. Sy het onder andere ’n hoofrol in die radioverhaal “Stralerjakkers” vertolk, en gespeel in TV-produksies soos Kampus, Cul de sac en Plek van die vleisvreters. Ná ’n loopbaan wat gewissel het van toesigvervaardiger vir M-Net tot hoofskrywer van Villa Rosa, asook verskeie bestuursposisies, tree sy in 2022 by M-Net af as Senior Bestuurder: Realiteit en Vermaak vir kykNET-kanale. Tans is Janine ’n projekbestuurder by Tribuo.

Karen Meiring

Karen het ’n omvangryke en veelsydige loopbaan in die kunste- en vermaaklikheidsbedryf. Haar ervaring sluit in dié van sanger by SUKOVS Opera, talle musiekblyspele en pantomimes vir TRUK, en sy was ’n stigterslid van die veelbekroonde vroue- a capella-groep Cutt Glas. Sy het as bestuurder en agent van verskeie kunstenaars opgetree en was aan die stuur van Club 58 in Hillbrow, The Crossing in Grahamstad en die Oude Libertas Amfiteater op Stellenbosch. Karen het die eerste KKNK georganiseer en was later uitvoerende direkteur van dié fees, sy is voormalige direkteur van kykNET TV-kanale en inisieerder van die Fiëstas en die Silwerskermfees. Tans dien sy in die direksies van die SBA en die Encounters Filmfees, en sy is voorsitter van die Tribuo-kunstenaarshulpfonds. Kscenario is haar nuutste onderneming.

Cornelia Faasen

Cornelia Faasen studied Drama and Theatre Studies at Stellenbosch University, obtaining her masters degree cum laude with a research component completed at the University of Amsterdam. In 2010, following the controversial Reitz video incident, she was appointed as Head of Arts and Culture at Free State University – a position focusing on transformation and integration among students through the arts and culture. She became Dean of Student Affairs at the University after serving in a temporary capacity for two years. In 2016, Cornelia joined the National Afrikaans Theatre Initiative (NATi) as CEO. NATi focuses on funding and developing new theatre productions, in collaboration with commissioning festivals. The organisation has a specific interest in the position of Afrikaans as a member of the South African family of indigenous languages, as well as alternative narratives and previously marginalised voices in Afrikaans. Cornelia is also a part-time lecturer in Stellenbosch University’s Drama department, and she specialises in Advanced Theory for post-graduate students, and Introduction to the Industry for undergraduates. Since the inception of the Theatre and Dance Alliance (TADA) in 2021, she has served as deputy chairperson; she is also a founding member of Tribuo, a fund supporting artists. Cornelia lives in Stellenbosch.

Herman van der Westhuizen

Herman, a former teacher, is passionate about developing young talent. From 2002 to his retirement in 2019, he was the organiser of the National Drama Competition. Herman had served for two decades on the Fleur du Cap panel and he acted as convenor of the Fiësta and Kanna panels.

Ira Blanckenberg

Ira has an honours degree in Drama at Stellenbosch University. For the past 25 years, she had worked as an actress for stage, television and movies; also as director, voice artist and SACE registered drama coach at her own drama school. She has twelve years’ experience as a national adjudicator for the ATKV Tienertoneel competition. In 2022, Ira was nominated for a SAFTA as best actress in a supporting role for her performance in the film Toorbos.

Janine Opperman

Janine (born Pretorius) holds an honours degree in Drama from Potchefstroom University. Since 1985 she had been working as freelance actress, voice artist and dubbing specialist. Among others, she played the lead in the radio drama “Stralerjakkers”, and she appeared in TV productions such as Kampus, Cul de sac and Plek van die vleisvreters. After an extensive career that ranged from supervising producer for M-Net to head writer of Villa Rosa, and included various managerial positions, Janine retired in 2022 from M-Net’s as Senior Manager: Reality and Entertainment for kykNET channels. She is currently a project manager for Tribuo.

Karen Meiring

Karen had an extensive and diverse career in the arts and entertainment industry. As a singer she performed for PACOFS Opera, in several musicals and pantomimes for PACT, and she was a founding member of the award-winning women a capella group Cutt Glas. As a manager and agent, she represented various artists and oversaw Club 58 in Hillbrow, The Crossing in Grahamstown and the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre in Stellenbosch. Karen organised the first KKNK and later led the festival as executive director, she is a former director of kykNET TV channels, and she spearheaded the Fiëstas and the Silver Screen Festival. She currently serves as a board member of the SBA and the Encounters Film Festival, and she is chairperson of the Tribuo artists support fund. Kscenario is her latest endeavour.